The Human Data Interaction Lab investigates visualization tools, methods, and systems at the intersection of human-centered design and data-driven analysis.


Human Data Interaction Lab

The Human Data Interaction Lab (HDIL) at Mannheim University of Applied Sciences investigates new ways to support different user groups at the intersection of human-centered design and data-driven analysis. Major research areas are aesthetic and casual visualization, interaction design and usability, and data literacy and data visualization activities.

The Human Data Interaction Lab is headed by Till Nagel, professor of Visual Analytics.

Resarch topics of the HDIL including aesthetic and casual visualizations, interactions and usability, and data literacy and data visualization activities.

At the HDIL, people from different backgrounds ranging from computer science, to communication design to medical informatics work together on interactive visualizations of urban and mobility data, visual analytics in the medical field, and the democratization of visualization tools and workshops.

To find out more about our research check out our research projects here, and student projects over at

The HDIL is partner of the Mannheim Institute for Human Centered Innovation (MIX).

Contact information

Human Data Interaction Lab
A011, Building A

Hochschule Mannheim
Paul-Wittsack-Straße 10
68163 Mannheim

Prof. Dr. Till Nagel
+49 621 292-6886‬

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